Art and Design Gallery

Origami-Inspired Mary Janes - product

Origami-Inspired Mary Janes

Origami-Inspired Mary Janes - product

Origami-Inspired Mary Janes


Fashion Show: Sonder, Set Design

Achromatic Magazine

Achromatic Exhibition: Magazine

Achromatic Ear Pieces

Achromatic Exhibition: Metal Ear Accessories and Headpieces

Pain Personified - 3d

Pain Personified

blink of an eye - experiential

Blink of an Eye - Lethologica

girl with flowers - traditional

To Every End a New Beginning

horse - traditional

Akhal Teke

Lethologica - traditional


waves - traditional


nature is fading - traditional

Nature is Fading

lady by the sea - traditional

Lady by the Sea

Painted Eclipse - textiles

Painted Eclipse

rose-colored glasses - product

Rose-Colored Lens

Queen Lotus - product/scuplture

Queen Lotus